
海桐是一种常绿灌木,完美优雅的添加一个触摸任何花园。这是一个多才多艺的植物,可用于各种园林风格,从正式到非正式的。海桐低灌木,很容易照顾,可以种植在阳光充足或部分阴影。篱笆是一个伟大的选择,种植边界,和基础。这也是一个很好的选择园艺修剪成形的和容器。海桐添加纹理和色彩是一个很好的选择你的花园。它有光泽,深绿色叶,产生小,芬芳的花朵在春天。这也是一个很好的选择你的花园吸引鸟类和蝴蝶。一些最受欢迎的海桐品种包括银的光泽,“Variegatum”、“惠勒矮”,“高尔夫球”,“Tandara黄金”和“艾琳·帕特森”。“银光泽”是一个紧凑,常绿灌木silver-green树叶和小,芳香的白花。 'Variegatum' is a low-growing, evergreen shrub with variegated foliage and small, fragrant white flowers. 'Wheeler's Dwarf' is a compact, evergreen shrub with dark green foliage and small, fragrant white flowers. 'Golf Ball' is a compact, evergreen shrub with dark green foliage and small, fragrant white flowers. 'Tandara Gold' is a compact, evergreen shrub with golden-green foliage and small, fragrant white flowers. 'Irene Paterson' is a compact, evergreen shrub with dark green foliage and small, fragrant white flowers. It pairs well with evergreen shrubs such as boxwood, holly, and yew. It also looks great when planted with flowering shrubs such as Azaleas,杜鹃花,绣球花

  1. 海桐艾琳帕特森-“Kohuhu”大
  2. 海桐tenuifolium伊丽莎白-日本模拟橙色Kohehu大
  3. 海桐tenuifolium高仕达-常绿kohuhu
  4. 海桐Tobira娜娜——Nanum Kohehu——日本山梅花常绿
  5. 海桐艾琳帕特森——“Kohuhu”
  6. 海桐Tenuifolium Garnettii组合——“Kohuhu”
  7. 海桐tenuifolium高仕达(Abbotsbury黄金)——大
  8. 海桐tenuifolium variegata -银女王“Kohuhu”
  9. 海桐Tobira娜娜——Nanum Kohehu——日本山梅花
  10. 海桐大拇指汤姆——“Kohehu”
  11. 海桐大拇指汤姆-“Kohehu”大


海桐是一种常绿灌木,完美优雅的添加一个触摸任何花园。这是一个多才多艺的植物,可用于各种园林风格,从正式到非正式的。海桐低灌木,很容易照顾,可以种植在阳光充足或部分阴影。篱笆是一个伟大的选择,种植边界,和基础。这也是一个很好的选择园艺修剪成形的和容器。海桐添加纹理和色彩是一个很好的选择你的花园。它有光泽,深绿色叶,产生小,芬芳的花朵在春天。这也是一个很好的选择你的花园吸引鸟类和蝴蝶。一些最受欢迎的海桐品种包括银的光泽,“Variegatum”、“惠勒矮”,“高尔夫球”,“Tandara黄金”和“艾琳·帕特森”。“银光泽”是一个紧凑,常绿灌木silver-green树叶和小,芳香的白花。 'Variegatum' is a low-growing, evergreen shrub with variegated foliage and small, fragrant white flowers. 'Wheeler's Dwarf' is a compact, evergreen shrub with dark green foliage and small, fragrant white flowers. 'Golf Ball' is a compact, evergreen shrub with dark green foliage and small, fragrant white flowers. 'Tandara Gold' is a compact, evergreen shrub with golden-green foliage and small, fragrant white flowers. 'Irene Paterson' is a compact, evergreen shrub with dark green foliage and small, fragrant white flowers. It pairs well with evergreen shrubs such as boxwood, holly, and yew. It also looks great when planted with flowering shrubs such as Azaleas,杜鹃花,绣球花
